Wisconsin Poll: A Dead Heat Between Biden and Trump

In a tightly contested race, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are neck and neck in Wisconsin Poll, a crucial battleground state for the upcoming presidential election. A recent Marquette University Law School poll, released on Wednesday, shows both candidates with equal support among registered voters in the state. This comes as no surprise given Wisconsin’s history of close elections and its significant role in the Electoral College.

Poll: Wisconsin’s Crucial Role Highlighted

The poll reveals that both Biden and Trump each have 50% support among registered voters. This is a slight shift from Marquette’s previous poll in April, where Trump led Biden by a mere two points. When including undecided voters, who make up 12% of the poll, both candidates are tied at 44%. The poll surveyed 871 registered voters in Wisconsin between June 12-20 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.6 percentage points.

Wisconsin has been a pivotal state in recent elections. Trump won Wisconsin in 2016, the first Republican to do so since 1984. However, Biden narrowly reclaimed it in 2020. Both parties have identified the state as a critical target, and the upcoming Republican National Convention in Milwaukee underscores its importance.

Wisconsin Poll: Favorability and Job Approval

The poll also highlights the unfavorable views many voters hold toward both Biden and Trump. Biden has a 58% unfavorable rating, while Trump’s unfavorable rating stands at 57%. This sentiment reflects a broader dissatisfaction among voters with the current political climate.

Biden’s job approval rating remains unchanged since April, with 40% of voters approving and 57% disapproving of his performance as president. When asked about Trump’s presidency, 47% approved and 52% disapproved. These numbers indicate a polarized electorate, with strong disapproval ratings on both sides.

Among Independents, Biden’s job approval is at 21%, compared to Trump’s 48%. This demographic could be crucial in determining the election outcome, as their support often swings between parties.

The poll delves into specific issues where voters believe each candidate excels. Trump takes a stronger stance on handling immigration and border security, the economy, the Israel-Hamas conflict, and foreign relations. Meanwhile, Biden is known for his expertise in managing Medicare and Social Security, healthcare, and abortion policy – a significant issue in his campaign.

Legal Troubles in the Spotlight

Both Biden and Trump are entangled in legal issues that have captured public attention. A significant 76% of voters are aware of Trump’s hush-money trial in New York City. Where he was found guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records. Additionally, 57% of voters are familiar with the trial of Biden’s son in Delaware, who was found guilty of three felony charges related to purchasing a gun while using illegal drugs.

The poll reveals a partisan divide on these legal matters. While 55% of voters believe Trump is guilty of the charges in New York, nearly three-quarters of Republicans think he is not guilty, contrasting with 98% of Democrats who believe he is. This divide extends to opinions on Trump’s sentencing, with 36% of voters believing he should serve some jail time, while almost a third think he should receive no penalty.

Character Perceptions

Voters were asked to evaluate both candidates based on specific character traits. Notably, 61% believe that Trump “has behaved corruptly,” compared to 46% for Biden. Age also emerged as a significant concern, with 76% saying Biden is “too old to be president,” while 53% said the same about Trump.

Milwaukee Convention Set to Influence

As the election approaches, both Biden and Trump will continue to vie for the crucial votes in Wisconsin. The state’s history of narrow election margins means every vote counts. And both candidates are likely to intensify their campaigns. The Republican National Convention in Milwaukee next month will be a key event. And any missteps could sway undecided voters.

In this highly charged political environment, Wisconsin’s voters hold significant power in shaping the outcome of the 2024 presidential election. With both candidates neck and neck, the race is set to be a closely watched and fiercely contested battle.


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